Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's been awhile...

I've chosen this title to serve two purposes. Obviously, it has been quite a while since I blogged something. Since last time, I have started attending my private institution, broke my glasses(yeah that is for another post), and did a bunch of sightseeing, which brings me to reason two. In this post, I will be talking about the palaces that I have visited--창덕궁 & 경복궁. The later is one that features the 광화문. A while ago, I went with a friend that I have been meaning to get together with to hang out. I don't have a Korean phone, so sometimes it can be difficult when trying to meet up with someone. 
This was before going into the palace. I forgot my discount card, but my friend is actually a Korean high school student...therefore, we got in for free!!! Oh yeah!! 
My friend rocks. 
Let me take you through my journey through the palace. 
Korean landscaping is so pretty! 
My friend told me this is the place where international affairs were carried out. We couldn't go in because it was closed, sad story. 
This was pretty cool though! I think this is where the queen lived. 
And this is for the king! 
It was quite an experience. It makes me want to want a historical drama real bad! 
Now we came. I was freaking hungry! Next we passed through the 광화문 and went through the 광화문광장 and later to 인사동, which I'll show in another post. 

Now, I'll show you 창덕궁, which I think is prettier. I went on past holiday commemorating the Korean civil war. I, along with my Kmom, Ksister, and moms friend set out in the morning. 
Let check out the place! 
In this room, the first electric light was installed in all of the palaces in 1906. 
If I translated this correctly from the tour guide, this is the only blue roof. The tiles were imported from the Middle East, so they were so expensive. 
I quite enjoy the interior. I would mind living here. 
I think this is where the king's other wife lived. 
It was fun! Later that day, we went to this place that yeah I just don't even know. I just go where people take me. 



  1. So fancy!! How are you liking your classes? Are you still adjusting over there?

    1. This is so cool... we are bloggers! I feel like I am pretty well adjusted, just, I really need to continually improve my language skills. Today, I got off at the wrong bus stop, and luckily I was able to ask this really nice house wife how to get to the place that I need to be, and she took me. However later in the day, I was trying to find the post office in the wrong building, but I had to ask four people for directions. It took me a total of 45 minutes to find the place, and by the time I got there, they had closed...sad story hahah
